Critical Automotive applications: Robustness & Safety

Workshop CARS@EDCC2024

On Robustness methods and development techniques for safety related automotive embedded systems and applications

8th edition of CARS in conjunction with 

EDCC 2024, Leuven, Belgium

April 8th, 2024


Organized by:

Matthieu Roy


Toulouse, France   

Rolf Johansson


Gothenburg, Sweden


Mario Trapp

Fraunhofer IKS

Munich, Germany

Ex-officio: Jean-Charles Fabre,, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France


Archive of pre-workshop versions of papers here

Workshop Keynote:

Artificial Intelligence, Safety and Explainability (SAFEXPLAIN)

Jon Perez Cerrolaza, Ikerlan, Spain

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can potentially drive the creation of autonomous safety-critical systems. Additionally, AI can support safety engineers in developing traditional and next-generation safety-critical systems. However, integrating the latest AI technologies with existing safety engineering practices and safety standards and ensuring trustworthiness presents a significant challenge. This presentation summarizes the most relevant contributions of the SAFEXPLAIN research project concerning AI + safety + explainability.

Short Bio: Jon Perez Cerrolaza is the technical director of the 'electronic embedded systems and cybersecurity' research unit at Ikerlan and previouslyprincipal researcher in the field of ‘dependable intelligent systems’ combining dependability, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technologies. He has worked for more than fifteen years in the development and certification of SIL2...SIL4 safety-critical systems for diverse domains such as railway signalling, lifts, crane control, semiconductors, wind turbines and automotive. He holds a PhD in computer science in the field of safety-critical systems from TU Wien and a M.Sc. In Electronics & Electrical Engineering (with Distinction) from the University of Glasgow.

For more details: 


Workshop Program:


CARS 2024 Program (pdf)


1       Workshop topics and goals

The increasing complexity of automotive applications, the challenges posed by autonomous vehicles, the need to master production costs using off-the-shelf components, the coexistence of critical and non-critical applications, and the emergence of new architectural paradigms (Cloud, AI) may have a strong effect on dependability of automotive embedded systems. This situation requires design and validation methods, but also tools to improve automotive systems robustness and their safety and security properties.

The evolution of automotive systems is supported by standards (like AUTOSAR, ISO26262) that respectively advocate a software architecture but also recommend development approaches to improve system robustness and safety. The fast evolution of both standards is a reality to incorporate novel features, more flexibility while improving robustness, security and safety.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the construction of critical automotive applications and systems. It will place the emphasis on dependability issues, software engineering for robustness, security and safety issues, real time embedded systems technologies, architectural software and hardware solutions, development processes for dependable automotive embedded systems.

In particular, CARS aims at promoting and fostering discussion on novel ideas and techniques, possibly controversial approaches, it is a forum for on-going work exchange, a place where researchers and developers can share both real problems and innovative solutions.

Topics of interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to):

·       Safety in the development processes and safety management.

·       Combined approaches for safety and security

·       Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)

·       Autonomous systems, car-to-X, ADAS and safety

·       Hardware and software support for dependable automotive systems.

·       Middleware and tool support for dependable embedded automotive systems.

·       Open source approaches and integration of SEooC (Safety Elements out of Context).

·       Real-time operating systems, WCET estimation, schedulability analysis.

·       Modelling and code generation techniques.

·       Software safety analysis and formal verification techniques for automotive systems.

·       Coordination, communication, networking and distributed control architectures.

·       Diagnosis approaches, failure data, practical experience reports of critical applications.

·       Validation by fault injection during the V life cycle according to ISO 26262.

·       Cloud-based automotive applications and IA

·       Cyber-security and connected cars

Application areas of interest to the workshop focus on the automotive domain but methods and techniques in other transport domains (e.g. aerospace, railways) are also welcome.

The workshop is complementary to the EDCC main track as it focuses on dependability in automotive embedded systems.

2       Workshop format

The anticipated format for this one-day workshop is as follows:

·       A first opening session with a keynote speech, related to industrial experience or to challenges.

·       A set of regular sessions devoted to the presentation of short papers on a given topic (architecture, development, evaluation, etc.)  with space for discussions:

The CARS workshop is organized since 2010 and attached to a big event, mainly EDCC (European Conference on Dependable Computing). Its format proved to be very successful since the first issue of the CARS workshop at EDCC2010 in Valencia, Spain. The second issue in 2013 was attached to SAFECOMP 2013 (International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Toulouse, France). It was then organized several times in conjunction with EDCC

at EDCC 2015 in Paris, France

at EDCC 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden

at EDCC 2019 in Naples, Italy

at EDCC 2021 in Munich, Germany

at EDCC 2022 in Zaragoza, Spain

3       Keynote speaker

A keynote speaker is always invited (see previous invited speakers in former CARS workshop editions that are available on-line).

4       Contribution to the workshop

To contribute to the workshop, authors are invited to submit (i) an extended position paper of 4 pages (IEEE format) or (ii) an abstract (1 page IEEE format).

The program committee will carefully review submitted papers. The review will focus not only on the paper's quality, but also on its ability to engender fruitful discussions.

All authors of accepted papers are invited to attend the workshop.


            Submission webiste open 

CARS2024 on easychair


The accepted papers will be published on line on HAL.


Important Dates: 

            Paper submission 

Jan 19 th, 2024 (extended) Dec 18th, 2023



CARS2024 on easychair

            Author notification 

Feb 23rd, 2024 

                                        Only papers presented at the workshop will be published on HAL.

5       Program Committee


The Program Committee for the CARS workshop is, as usual, voluntarily balanced between academia and industry. All members who joined the PC in the past are renowned leaders, scientists and practitioners.


Academia members


Felicita Di Giandomenico, CNR Pisa, Italy


Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Michael Lauer, ISAE-SUPAERO, France


Ilaria Matteucci, IIT CNR, Pisa, Italy


Nicolas Navet, Univ. Luxembourg


Yiannis Papadopoulos, University of Hull, UK


Peter Puschner, TU Wien, Austria


Juan-Carlos Ruiz, UPV Valencia, Spain


Daniel Schneider, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany



Industry members


Nadège Rizet, Renault, France


Olivier Flébus, Vitesco, France

Thomas Frese, Ford, Germany


John Favaro, Trust-itservices, Italy


Jelena Frtunikj, Argo, Germany


Mathilde Machin, Airbus, France


Amina Mekki-Mokhtar, Ansys, France


Pierre Metz, Brose, Germany


Fredrik Törner, Volvo Car Corporation, Sweden