
Conference paper submission details

The tradition of SAFECOMP is to act as a platform for bringing academic research and industrial needs together. Therefore, industrial contributions and real-world experience reports are explicitly invited. We solicit two types of papers to be published in the main proceeding of the conference:

1) Regular papers (up to 12 pages): Present recent original research results with an archival quality conference publication

 2) Practical Experience Reports and Tools (up to 8 pages):  Present an in-depth description of practitioner experience, a case study, a test bed or a tool, providing new insights to the community

Papers submitted in both categories will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. They must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Another opportunity is offered to academics and practitioners, junior and senior researchers, to contribute to the conference through the submission of Fast Abstracts/Work in Progress papers (2 pages). These  short contributions, are aimed at promoting interactions either on novel ideas or work in progress, or opinion pieces that can address any issue relevant to SAFECOMP topics of interest.

All papers should be submitted in pdf through easychair

Please follow Authors Guidelines for detailed instructions on how to format your paper.