Fourth ESORICS in 1996


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Proceedings :
Computer Security - ESORICS 96
Fourth European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
Rome, Italy, September 1996
Elisa Bertino, Helmut Kurth, Giancarlo Martella, Emilio Montolivo (Eds.)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 1146
ISBN 3-540-61770-1

Programme Chair's Preface

The series of European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) represents an important international event in the computer security area. The symposium started in 1990 in Toulouse (France) and is now held every two years in different European countries. It attracts an audience from both the academic and industrial communities. Previous ESORICS meetings were held in Toulouse, France (1990 and 1992), and Brighton, United Kingdom (1994).

In response to the call for papers of ESORICS'96, 58 papers were received from different countries in Europe, America, and Far East. All papers were reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The program committee was selective and only 21 papers were accepted for inclusion in the symposium program. We are very pleased with the overall quality of the program, covering a wide spectrum of topics, from theoretical issues, to database access control, to networks. Among application areas, electronic commerce has received special attention in ESORICS'96. We gratefully acknowledge all our colleagues who committed their time by submitting papers. The program is well complemented by two panels, the first on firewalls and the second on the protection of authors' rights and copyright. Finally, we are very happy that Peter Landrock, a well-known expert in computer security, has agreed to give the invited talk.

We greatly appreciate the help we received from the members of our cooperative and responsible program committee. Special thanks go to Elena Ferrari, who helped us with the preparation of the PC meeting, and to Maria Grazia Baggi from AICA, who handled the publicity for the symposium.

Elisa Bertino (Programme Chair), Helmut Kurth Emilio Montolivo (Programme Vice-Chair)

Contents of the Proceedings